Postpartum – the key to healing

There are many different traditions for women postpartum. In Sweden I often see women push themselves quite a lot after birth. It seems as if there is an expectation to be active and “normal” in the next ten days or sometimes earlier.

Today, I want to share my knowledge about other cultures. Their traditions may inspire you to treat yourself, or someone you know, a little differently. There is a window of opportunity for us as birthers (mothers) to be held, heal and deeply integrate after birth. Some traditions say if mothers do not heal properly there might be consequences for the rest of the mother and babies lives as BIRTH has such a profound impact on both mom and child.

Here are some traditions that might inspire you:

Indian mothers spend up to two months resting after they have delivered their babies. In that time they get pampered with gentle foods, herbal baths, and a daily Ayurvedic oil massage. Traditional Indian mothers are also concerned during this time with rebalancing the doshas, or Ayurvedic elements that make up an individual's personal constitution. It is believed that childbirth increases the wind, or Vata dosha, and care is taken to correct the imbalance.

For example Guatemala has a long tradition of women being cared for all throughout their pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal period by traditional midwives called comadronas. Though often comadronas nowadays serve in the capacity of an assistant to a medical professional, they still provide support in their knowledge of traditional medicinal herbs and different positions and massage techniques. It feels so natural for me to have mothers recover as their babies make their way through their first few months of life. Instead, I often see mothers ”gotta get that body back” ”can't just stay in all the time..” attitude.

In the western society there is definitely a lack of community and web of support. We only rely on medical treatments as our number one healing support. Think about it: does that make sense?

During postpartum we crave healing, nourishing food, community, connections, and love. Why don’t we cherish this? Are we afraid of what we might find if we stop for a minute? I encourage you to reach out to a friend that might recently have become a new mother and offer your healing cooking, cleaning or at least giving her a foot massage?

I truly believe birthwork and postpartum support is essential for bringing peace and love to a better world. Let's bring that love to the mothers and babies out there! 💕

What are your desires, what do you need after giving birth? Book a consultation and we can find a solution together.

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Din yonin är en bro, en röst


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